Knee pain can be caused by a variety of conditions. Whether through strains, trauma, arthritis, or degeneration of the joint, this can be a painful and debilitating problem. Although surgical total knee replacement is the definitive treatment for severe knee osteoarthritis some patients may not be old enough or not suitable for TKR, or not keen on it. In this group of patients’ electro-acupuncture techniques may be an alternative to provide pain relief and functional restoration.
Electroacupuncture works by invigorating the flow of qi and blood throughout the area in order to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and promote the body’s own healing ability.
Best Acupuncture Clinic!
Wondering if acupuncture is worth the money? Don’t think twice! I had a serious neck and shoulder problem after several unfortunate incidents. I’ve tried painkillers, physiotherapy, ultrasounds, but nothing really worked. Not to mention I couldn’t sleep and had to stop my activity completely. From the beginning of this year, I have been seen by Dr. Hans Mathew several times. First, he described each step and the benefits of the treatment and made sure I’m comfortable. Being a little nervous around the needles, I found it very reassuring. Next, we’ve started a 10-session treatment that lasted over 2 months. I’ve heard that medical acupuncture really works, but I certainly didn’t expect such a significant effect – my issues started improving almost immediately. Now I see Dr. Hans once a month to still benefit from the electro-acupuncture that works for me as stress relief. I can’t recommend Dr. Hans Mathew enough; he’s highly qualified and fully patient-focused!
– Anita W.
Get in touch
Wycombe Medical Acupuncture Clinic
136 Cressex Road, High Wycombe,
HP12 4UA
+44 7972177264
01494 528012
Beaconsfield Medical Acupuncture Clinic
Doctor NOW, Little Hall Barn,
Windsor End, Beaconsfield,
+44 7972177264
01494 528012
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